Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Shining and Milk

The Shining
Picked by: Dave
Why Picked: I have never seen it and it is/was a so called must see classic

Brooke: Two thumbs up!
No one can deliver a line or give the camera a look quite like Jack Nicholson.

Chuck: Two thumbs up!
I really liked how it progressed through his own personal hell. The one thing I wish they would have explained was "the shine".

Steph: Two thumbs up!
Worth seeing, but pointless at the same time. Nicholson played his character phenomenally! I prefer movies that are a little more psychologically thrilling and this one was just kind of suspenseful.

Dave: Two thumbs up!
Not what I expected at all, but glad I have now seen it. REDRUM!

Stacy: Two thumbs up!
Good, strange, freaky. Very difficult to look at the wife.

Picked by: Steph
Why Picked: At the time I picked it, it seemed to be the leading candidate for the Oscars. Slumdog Millionaire quickly surpassed.

Brooke: Two thumbs up!
I had no idea about the movement in the 70's for gay rights. It's so relevant with Prop 8 in California. It's very sad when someone with so much potential dies too early.

Chuck: Two thumbs up!
I didn't know what to expect, but it was good. The way he used the city to get the movement started surprised me.

Steph: Two thumbs up!
I enjoyed the movie. As open-minded as I consider myself, I did find it somewhat strange to see two men making out (no, I have not seen Brokeback Mountain). I can't believe how far things have come since the late seventies.

Dave: Two thumbs up!
Strawberry milk is my favorite!

Stacy: Two thumbs up!
Great film - I wasn't sure about it at the beginning, but I was really interested in the story. Sean Penn was fantastic.

Better Late than Never

Okay, so I'm a little behind in posting the reviews from movie nights...I hardly even remember the details of this one! Chuck had originally picked The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but the video from Family Video did not work. This happens to be turning into the routine for us; we just can't seem to get quality discs from Family Video! So now we come to movie night with backup choices. Tonight's pick for Chuck ended up being Creep Show based on a Stephen King book. And Brooke's pick was Big Fish. On to the reviews...

Creep Show
Picked by: Chuck
Why Picked: This movie scared me as a kid and I like comics.

Brooke: One thumb up, one thumb down
Why are people in scary movies so dumb? Just turn and have time to get out of that don't go down there!

Chuck: Two thumbs up!
I love how big stars now started off in this movie. The effects made me laugh because in the day they were good.

Steph: Two thumbs up!
Surprisingly, I really enjoyed this movie. I knew nothing about it going into tonight, and so I was expecting to hate it (based on the title). Have I found a temporary cure for my ADD? 5 short movies in one - I almost made it through without getting fidgety!

Dave: Two thumbs up!
Very creative. Another movie I have never seen thanks to Chuck.

Stacy: Two thumbs up!
I enjoyed the comic book presentation. Creative stories! Good pick Chuck!

Big Fish
Picked by: Brooke
Why Picked: I love Tim Burton movies in general but this story and all of the colorful details make this one of my favorites.

Brooke: Two thumbs up!
Beautiful movie! Not one bad thing to say about this. How can you not love Ewan?

Chuck: Two thumbs up!
Great movie, but I had to watch movie 2 or 3 times to get everything. I really like how his dad's story is told and how the relationship grows.

Steph: Two thumbs up!
I really enjoyed this movie! I had seen it once before but I actually liked it better the second time around. I loved the way everything unfolded and how the son finally accepted his father in the end and supported his imagination for a peaceful death.

Dave: Two thumbs down
zzzzz....the big sleep! Sorry Brooke.

Stacy: Two thumbs up!
What a fantastic movie! Great stories and great acting.