Monday, February 23, 2009

Movie Withrawal

I'm going through movie withdrawal! We weren't able to get together this past Friday because I had a wedding rehearsal dinner to go to. And we won't be getting together again until March 13th because of Chuck's work schedule. But...I'll get to see two more movies I have never seen, so I guess it should be worth the wait!

Up next...The Graduate and The Machinist

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Change in Plans...

It was Steph's and my turn to pick the movies for last night - Steph picked Primal Fear (with Richard Gere) and I picked The Graduate. I was super excited for this movie night because I have never seen either of the movies. When we popped in the DVD of The Graduate, we discovered it was damaged and would not play. So, my movie pick was replaced with Chuck's pick of Halloween - and The Graduate will have to wait until next time. )-:

Brooke and Chuck made tacos for dinner, and Brooke found awesome Movie Night paper plates to use. And, in the spirit of The Graduate, she rolled and tied the napkins to look like diplomas. She's so creative! Dinner was delicious! On to the reviews...

Primal Fear (with Richard Gere)
Picked by: Stephanie
Why Picked: " I picked this movie because I remembered being completely surprised at the ending. Plus, I like Edward Norton and think that he did a great job in this role. Oh...and a recent Mentalist episode with a similar twist had me thinking about this movie.

Brooke: Two thumbs up!
I have never seen this movie. I really enjoyed it. Edward Norton was awesome and talented. I thought the ending was unexpected.

Chuck: Two thumbs up!
I have seen this move but not for a long time. It's amazing how the end twists.

Steph: Two thumbs up!
Although I have to admit that knowing how the movie ended really sucked the suspense out. Truth be told, I was a little bored, but I did enjoy seeing it again and sharing with with Dave and everyone else.

Dave: Two thumbs up!
I like the movie, it kept my attention well for being a suspense drama. Nice little twist at the end.

Stacy: Two thumbs up!
I enjoyed the movie. Edward Norton did a great job portraying the character. Mmm Mmm Mmm...can't wait for American History X!

Prior to seeing the movie, Stephanie had already told me that there is a twist at the end, and that it plays out very similar to a Mentalist episode we had I pretty much thought that I wasn't going to be shocked by anything. But I was! There was a twist above and beyond what I had expected! I was pleasantly surprised...I won't ruin it for anyone. It's a good courtroom drama with great acting on everyone's part.

Picked by: Chuck

Brooke: One thumb up, one thumb down
A horror classic...but the Rob Zombie version is much scarier.

Chuck: Two thumbs up!
William Shattner makes this movie without starring in it. The mask is his face painted white. The best killers are slow and steady.

Steph:One thumb up, one thumb down
I braced myself for a horror flick...and what I got was zzzzzzzz's. Totally fell asleep for about 1/3 of the movie. Couldn't believe that I was scared to watch. Sorry - ranks with Candyman!

Dave: One thumb up, one thumb down
The tipickle (that's for you Dave) horror film - not that impressed, ranks with Candyman; good before, now sucks my balls!

Stacy: Two thumbs down
Predictable. Not as scary as I was expecting. I was quite bored during the movie. I know it's classic horror, but what kind of idiot just drops the knife at the feet of the killer and walks away? Of course he's not dead. It was kind of neat to see Jamie Lee Curtis so young though- her face looked sooooo long.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Goonies and Candyman

Even though movie night was filled with interruptions (dinner didn't go as planned, the fire needed refreshed, the cats kept playing with loud toys, the DVD was skipping....) it was still great. We watched The Goonies and Candyman - from one extreme to the next! What's funny is that we all gave the same ratings! Here's the reviews...

The Goonies
Picked by: Brooke
Why Picked: "A great movie from childhood. I watch it now and I can't believe my parents allowed us to watch a movie with so much cussing!"

Brooke: Two thumbs up!
This movie is probably the reason I fell in love with all things pirate. A great adventure with a great cast.

Chuck: Two thumbs up!
A great movie about family and coming together.

Steph: Two thumbs up!! Great movie! How in the world did I get this far in life without seeing it?

Dave: Two thumbs up!
I am glad that I finally saw this movie. I now know where the Truffle Shuffle came from. And other catch phrases like "Hey you guys"

Stacy: Two thumbs up!
I've seen this movie about six times, but I have never before noticed how loud the kids are the entire time! Still, it's a good movie with lots of funny parts. Stacy love Chunk!

Picked by: Dave
Why Picked: "Because it is a true scary movie"

Brooke: One thumb up, one thumb down.
I am not a big fan of scary movies. This one was not as scary as I thought it was going to be.

Chuck: One thumb up, one thumb down.
In my mind this movie was very scary, but in reality not so much. The other thing is the amount of nudity that is not needed at all.

Steph: One thumb up, one thumb down.
Ummm...I remember this move as incredibly scary, but I suppose that in the last 17 years psychological thrillers have come a long way! The fact that we watched this on VHS didn't help with the "convincibility" of the plot. Is convincibility a word?

Dave: One thumb up, one thumb down.
Not as good as I remember, but worth seeing again. Did not have the same effect as 15 years ago in Alex's apartment...Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie... St________!

Stacy: One thumb up, one thumb down.
I didn't really care for this movie. It wasn't very scary and, well, I didn't get it.

Okay, so it's all in her head, right? She's the killer. She's so consumed with the urban myth that it begins to control her? Whatever. I gotta say though, for 1992, she's kinda hot. Even with her tapered ankle-length leggings and constant smoking. I know I saw parts of this movie when it was released because I'm pretty sure it caused my intense fear of bees. Unfortunately, it did not give me an intense fear of candy in any way...